How Should You Dispose of Used Cooking Oil?

If you cook using oil of any kind, you are sure to have some left over. How do you dispose  of that left over cooking oil?

You may have heard that you should never pour oil or grease of any kind down your drains. Why? When hot oil cools, it solidifies. That means it sticks to the insides of your drain and your pipes. That will build up over time and clog your pipes. Not something you want.

Instead of pouring the used cooking oil down the drain, what should you do? First, allow the oil or bacon grease to cool.  You could pour it into a heat-safe container and let it sit on the counter until it cools. It does not need to be solid, just cool.

Once you have it cooled, pour it into a used metal can, empty milk carton, or even the empty cooking oil bottle. The best way to do this is to use a funnel so you get all the used cooking oil in the container. If you are sure the oil is cool enough you could use an old plastic container.

How do you dispose of the used cooking oil? If your recycling center accepts used cooking oil, place it in the proper bin. What if you only have a small amount? Keep an empty milk carton or other jug in your refrigerator. Every time you have some used cooking oil, add it to the container. Once it is full, then place it in the correct recycle bin.

Maybe you want to keep your used cooking oil to use again. This works, especially if you have only  used it one time. Strain out any leftover pieces of fried food. Let the oil cool. Use a mesh strainer over a bowl and slowly  pour the oil into the bowl. This will remove the tiny food pieces left in the oil. The reason for doing this is that those food pieces can become rancid or moldy if left in the oil.

Once you  have all the food pieces removed, put the used cooking oil in an airtight container. It is best stored in the  refrigerator. This should be  used within three to four weeks.

If you have fried something pungent or something with strong flavors, you may  not want to  use your oil again. You do not need your French fries to taste like strong fish.

For other tips about cooking with oil, check out

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