What To Do With Lots of Lemons?

Lemons are a terrific citrus to have in your kitchen. What should you do with lots of lemons?

For that matter, what should you do with lots of oranges, limes, or other citrus?

You like to cook and bake with them. But, how many dishes can you make that use lemons?

Solution? We have it. First, clean your fruit and dry it.

Zest the citrus. Limes in one pile, lemons in another, and oranges in another. You can freeze this zest in small containers to take out when you need some zing in a dish. It should last in your freezer several months.

You could also use the zest to make flavored salt or sugar. You will need to dry it out in the oven first, so the salt or sugar do not get moldy.

Next, juice all of one fruit. Start with lemons. If you have a juicer…great. If not, use a citrus reamer or even a fork. You can freeze the lemon juice in ice cube trays if you need individual amounts. Once they are completely frozen, they can be added to another container to keep in your freezer.

Or, you can freeze the juice of the lemons in amounts you normally use. If you have recipes which call for ½ cup of lemon juice, measure out ½ cup and place in a small container in the freezer.

Maybe you like citrus cocktails or fresh lemonade. Decide how much you use for the cocktail or the lemonade recipe and freeze in that amount. Lemons make a great addition to most recipes.

Both the zest of the lemons and the juice will keep their wonderful flavor for several months.

It’s a good idea to label these. Lemon and lime juice look similar once frozen.

When you are looking for other ideas, check out recipes here https://www.forkscorksandbrews.com/forks/

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