Solutions to Common Kitchen Mistakes

Have you ever thought you made some huge, common kitchen mistakes and ruined your meal? We probably all have thought that at one time or another.

If you have wondered whether those kitchen mistake are fixable, we are here to tell you most issues have a solution. Check out this list to help you next time you think you have a problem.

Mistake: Not reading the recipe all the way through before you start.

Solution: Before you start anything, take time to read the recipe. This will alleviate kitchen mistakes and allow you to make sure you have all the ingredients and utensils. You will also understand the length of time you need.

Mistake: Using the wrong tool.

Solution: Small bowls might be okay to melt butter but may not be the best ones for your batch of bread dough to rise. Small knives might not be the best to rough chop an entire bunch of spinach. If you think about the end result before you start, you can start with the right tool and stop any kitchen mistakes before they start.

Mistake: Not prepping ingredients before you actually need them.

Solution: Your recipe tells you to add the chopped veggies all at once. That means chop the onions, carrots, celery, and potatoes BEFORE you start making the soup. Adding ingredients as you go may not allow the soup to cook the way it was meant to cook.

Mistake: Wrong knife or dull knife.

Solution: Keep your knives sharp and you won’t have to wonder why you just can’t cut through that squash easily. Try to understand what each knife is best for and use it that way. You don’t need a chef’s knife to slice strawberries, but you will need it to chop a bowl of mushrooms. Kitchen mistakes involving knives are a common problem that can be easily avoided.

Mistake: Overcooking.

Solution: When you take meat out of the oven or off the grill, it will still continue to cook. This is carry over cooking and should be accounted for. Same goes for vegetables off the grill or out of the oven. When cooking pasta that will then be used in a baked dish, under cook the pasta by at least one minute. That way you avoid kitchen mistakes and your pasta won’t get mushy in your baked ziti.

Mistake: Cutting the meat when it just comes out of the oven or off the grill.

Solution: Let it rest to allow the juices to stay inside and not dry out your wonderful fillet.

Mistake: Seasoning.

Solution: Taste as you cook. This is one of the easies of kitchen mistakes to correct. You may need to season several times. It’s best if you don’t have to add a bunch of seasoning at the end of the cooking time. Allow all the flavors time to blend and enhance the dish.

Mistake: Forgetting to salt your pasta water.

Solution: Keep some salt near your pot of water and throw in a good sized pinch. This is the only time the pasta will actually become seasoned.

Mistake: Not letting your oven pre-heat.

Solution: Your oven needs to be at the correct temp in order to have perfectly cooked or baked food. Keep a thermometer in your oven and check it regularly for accuracy. This is especially important for baking breads, souffles, and other things that need to rise.

Avoid disasters like one of these kitchen mistakes.

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