Do You Know if You Can Freeze Butter?

Can you freeze butter? At times we all have too much of some food and need to freeze it. How about butter? Maybe you found a good deal on your favorite brand and stocked up only to realize you might not be able to use it all in the next few weeks. Yet you do not want it to go to waste. What should you do? Check out these common questions and answers to the problem of too much butter.

Can I Freeze Butter if I Don’t Use It?

Absolutely. Before you freeze it make sure it has at least an 80% fat content. The quality will not be compromised. You may see minimal changes in the texture but it will be okay.

How Long Will Butter Last in My Freezer?

How long will butter last in your freezer? The rule of thumb when you freeze butter is that the smaller the stick or package is the less time you should leave it in your freezer. Stick butters should last with no effects for around eight months. If you have butter in bulk, or a larger container, it should last for around 18 months.

One more thing that helps butter stay fresher in the freezer is the salt content. A butter with salt should last a little longer in the freezer without a difference in taste.

When Should I Freeze My Butter?

When you have butter in stick or block form you might want to know how long it can be refrigerated before you need to freeze that butter. It can be refrigerated for up to six months. However, refrigerating it for three months is best for its freshness and quality.

How Do I Know How Long My Butter Has Been in the Refrigerator?

Your butter may or may not have a date on it. If you are a cook or baker who doesn’t use a lot of butter, it would be a good idea to write the date on it. When you buy the butter, just add a date to the package. That way you will not have to try to remember when you bought it. You should also write a date on it before you freeze your butter.

How Do I Thaw Frozen Butter?

Before you use butter from your freezer, you will need to thaw it. Slowly is the best way to thaw frozen butter. Put it in the refrigerator for several hours or put it on the counter for a few hours to thaw. If you need melted butter, you can thaw slightly and then melt what you need.

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